Currently, organic foods from the house of Farm India Organic continue to increase in the popularity range as many believe that organic is better for your health. Around 5% of the entire food sales will be organic and that is likely projected to increase by around 6% every year!
How the real question from Farm Organic is whether organic is really healthy or not. The idea of such organic food is an amazing concept, but it surely can burn a hole in your pocket!
What it actually means to be organic?
The crops, which are farm produced and free from most synthetic pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides for over three years before harvesting will be defined as organic. There has to be a major buffer zone for decreasing the contamination from the adjacent farmlands.
* The farms, producing the organic food, need to be free from ionizing radiation, genetic engineering or sewage sludge.
* As it might relate to livestock, it is mandatory that the animals must be fed only organic feed, live on organic land and be raised naturally without any routine hormonal injections or antibiotics.
The reason behind the growing price:
If you think about it, the organic products supermarket is pretty on the expensive side when compared to the generic food items available. Why do you think people will willingly spend extra on organic food products these days? The points listed below will help you answer your queries with ease!
* On an average scale, organic items from organic health food store will cost you around 50% more than the conventionally produced counterparts. It is mainly because farmers need to pay closer attention to cultivation practices.
* Diseases, weeds and pests need to be managed by mechanical, physical and biological controls in place of pesticides.
* When it is to dairy and meat products, animals which aren’t raised in an organic setup are mostly presented with growth hormones to increase production or milk and steroids too.
What about the nutritional value?
Now you must be wondering about the nutritional value of organic products India these days. In terms of nutrients, organic foods are not healthier as you are getting the same benefits as conventionally grown foods. But the main difference lies with the side effects. With the organic items from the natural health food store, you don’t have to worry about falling sick because there is no use of pesticides or additives. So, you can easily intake produces from the organic vegetable shop without the worry of facing any side effects.
Overall, a better option!
An organic diet is known for its less antibiotic and pesticide exposure, which is why more people are heading towards the best organic foods these days. Yes, it might get a bit costly at first, but worth the value you get from it.
The next time you are looking for fresh organic food items, visit the organic food website of Farm India Organic. You will receive quality food items at the tip of your fingers.